Feminist Africa begins with a focus on "Intellectual Politics", so that we can begin by bringing critical feminist perspectives to bear on the institutional terrain that is formally responsible for African knowledge production, namely our institutions of higher learning. Higher education and research organisations in Africa have proved so resistant to feminist intellectual work that many educated women prefer to work elsewhere. Nonetheless, the AGI's recent survey identified over 30 institutions with gender studies in one form or another. Of the 27 centres which provided details, 16 have dedicated gender units, departments or programmes. The remaining 11 do not have a formal dedicated programme or structure, but they do offer courses, modules or substantive input to existing courses. As many as 11 out of the 16 dedicated units state that they offer postgraduate degrees, while 3 offer postgraduate diplomas, and fourteen offer undergraduate courses in gender or women's studies. 4 Gender studies has, in short, gained a substantial foothold in African institutions of higher education and learning, and the African university in particular.
feminist_africa_issue_1._2002_intellectual_politics_-_african_gender_institute_-_2012-06-132002, Archive, Cover, Feminist Africa Issue 1 - Intellectual Politics