This 20th issue of FA sets out to continue documenting and reflecting on feminist contributions to pan-Africanism, and the implications of pan-Africanism for feminism in Africa. Issue 19 indicated the variety of discourses and contributions of feminists in pan-Africanism. In this issue, our contributors explore just some of the ways in which neoliberalism and neo-colonialism have distorted and obscured feminist articulations of the pan-Africanism dream. While the previous issue clearly underlined the role and contribution of women in the pan-African intellectual and activist project (see Rhoda Reddock, Carole Boyce-Davis features in FA19), it became clear that post-colonial engagement on the continent comes out of a very different set of conditions. Today the continental mainstream pan-African agenda is dominated by powerful men who are mostly concerned about using conservative pan-African rhetoric to the service of their often anti-democratic purposes.
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Editorial: Feminism and Pan-Africanism
– by Amina Mama and Hakima Abbas
In Search of the State? Neoliberalism and the labour question for pan-African feminism
– by Lyn Ossome
Making a Difference: Embracing the challenge of women’s substantive engagement in political leadership in Uganda
– by Josephine Ahikire, Peace Musiimenta and Amon Ashaba Mwiine
Creating Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa: the limitations of capacity building as remedy for gender inequality
– by Cheryl Hendricks
Ama Ata Aidoo’s Woman-Centred Pan-Africanism: A reading of selected works
– by Delia Kumavie
Archives and Collective Memories: Searching for African women in the pan-African imaginary
– by Brenda Nyandiko Sanya and Anne Namatsi Lutomia
When Exploitation is Camouflaged as Women Empowerment: The case of Malawi’s first female president Joyce Banda
– by Juliet Kamwendo & Gregory Kamwendo
In Conversation
Weaving Pan Africanism at the Scene of Gathering
– by The Weaving Kenya Women’s Collective
Feminism, Empowerment and Development: Changing Women’s Lives. Edited by Andrea Cornwall and Jenny Edwards, 2012, Zed Books, London
– by Sehin Teferra
Migrant Women of Johannesburg: Everyday life in an In-Between City. By Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, 2013, Wits University Press, Johannesburg
– by Kerubo Abuya
In Idi Amin’s Shadow: Women, Gender and Militarism in Uganda. Alicia C Decker, 2014, Athen, Ohio, Ohio University Press
– by Gabeba Baderoon
Concerning Violence: Nine Scenes from the Anti-Imperialistic Self-Defense
– by Luam Kidane
The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo. Documentary film (78 minutes). Directed by Yaba Badoe, Fadoa Films
– by Helen Yitah
Legacies and Losses: A Review of Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amílcar Cabral. By Fizone Manji and Bill Fletcher Jr. (eds.), 2013, CODESRIA and Daraja Press. 2013.
– by Claudia Gastrow