Feminist Africa 10 is dedicated to critical gender analysis of postcolonial Africa’s most destructive scourge - militarism and violent conflict. The idea for this issue was generated in the context of a research workshop that brought scholars and activists from East, West and Southern Africa together to discuss the prevailing situation and develop an agenda for feminist action research on gender and militarism in Africa. During our discussions we realised the pervasiveness of conflict in our collective experience, as well as how little work has been done to address the centrality of gender in Africa’s history of violent conflict and military rule. We agreed on the importance of generating a strong feminist analysis of this collective history and experience, formulated a collaborative research agenda that would support strategising for transformation of the current conditions, and made plans to implement this. FA 10 marks our identification of militarism and anti-militarist activism as a key area for feminist strategy and study in the coming years.
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- by Amina Mama and Margo Okazawa-Rey
Militarism, Ethnicity and Sexual Violence in the Rwandan Genocide
- by Rangira Bea Gallimore
Militarization, Gender and Transitional Justice in Africa
- by Helen Scanlon
Security Sector Reform in Africa: A Lost Opportunity to Deconstruct Militarised Masculinities?
- by Yaliwe Clarke
Women's Responses to State Violence in the Niger Delta
- by Sokari Ekine
We Need an International Campaign to Resist Androcentric Militarized Neo-Colonial Masculinities!
- by Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge
Lessons from Kenya: Women and the Post-Election Violence
- by Muthoni Wanyeki
In Conversations
Woman Mobilising for Peace:
- Margo Okazawa-Rey speaks with Yasmin Jusu-Sheriff
Healing Work with War Survivors:
- Margo Okazawa-Rey speaks with Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng
Building Genuine Security: The International Women's Network Against Militarism
- by Gwyn Kirk
Pray the Devil Back to Hell
- reviewed by Yaba Badoe
The Roots of African Conflict: The Causes and Costs and The Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- reviewed by Cheryl Hendricks
"If I Were Given the Choice": Palestinian Women's Stories of Daily Life During the Years 2000-2003 of the Second Intifada
- reviewed by Margo Okazawa-Rey